It's a pleasure to meet ya!

My name is Brynna Isabell Elzey

the little redhead behind the camera

I live in Indy with my fiance, Tyler, our two cats, and a ball python! We also just added a sweet baby boy into the mix in July!

I obviously love photography so here are some things about me that are not job related:

  • I love boba tea. I have a lychee jasmine green tea at least once a week that I make at home.
  • I am a midwest girl through and through. I have lived in Indiana, California, and Texas but will always love Indiana the most. You can't beat June thunderstorms, lots of trees, and true seasons!
  • I am a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, and Leo rising. So rest assured I will take your memories so seriously and make sure everyone has fun!
  • I love making art in any capacity. I paint my own nails weekly and also learned how to tattoo! (see below gallery for a pic of the cat tattoo I gave myself!)
  • Tyler got me into Magic: the Gathering last summer. I honestly love it and if I do say so myself, fairly good at it too!
  • When I have the time, reading is a favorite past time. I mostly read spooky books with a dash of romance novels here and there as a palette cleanser.

Photography landed in my lap on its own. I have had a little point and shoot since I can remember and always had that thing on me but never even processed that taking photos for a living was something I could do one day.

I was going to college for singing but my voice gave out during my first semester and I was so sad. The college I was going to was small and didn't have any other majors I was interested in so I decided to take a break. While on what I thought was a break I kept taking pictures but focused more on people and eventually I started getting asked for sessions. The second I did my first session I was hooked and knew that it was exactly what I was meant to be doing. I ran with it and 10 years later here I am still doing what I love.

Human connection is an honor to witness let alone have the privilege to capture.

I am a firm believer that what is meant for you will find you and photography found me at the perfect time.

(and maybe this is your sign that we should work together since you are here reading this)

My Team

This is me being so unserious but truly my little office would not be nearly as fun without my two rats hanging about.

A little peek into my world.