A senior session for my brother.

As you can imagine this session was so special and emotional for me. Ethan was my first sibling I ever got and we were so close growing up. At a very young age Ethan was diagnosed with Autism which is now referred to as ASD as well as other learning and speech delays. Having been so close with Ethan, I was very aware going into this session that he genuinely does not like having his photo taken and can become overstimulated very fast. Both of those things could've ended the session so fast had I not had some tools ready to go.

I kept his session as sensory friendly as possible. We went to areas without many people, mostly just talked about his favorite things, and I did minimal posing. Because I didn't just set him in front of my camera and tell him to smile, I was able to get some of the best photos my family has of Ethan. Ethan is so full of joy and fun but that can sometimes be so incredibly hard to capture in photos where he knows pictures are being taken. I truly believe treating it more as a hang out that he got to lead really made such a difference and you can see all of the light and joy in his eyes.

If you have a child with any sort of special needs and want someone with experience to capture them as authentically as possible, I would be absolutely honored to help.